Every day, the alarm clock wakes you up and soon you are departing the suburbs on an 8:15 AM train. There is some sort of whistle overhead, the crowd is jostling and young women strive to appear attractive. Assuming your train is on schedule, it's possible to arrive at your workplace by 9:00 AM so you can begin your exhausting labor and then eventually receive compensation for it. Should you be peeved about that, note that I work for myself and very much enjoy being constantly idle.
And I have been completing my tasks on a daily basis. Completing my tasks in all senses of the expression. I have been completing my tasks, and I have full ownership of the means of production. Completing my tasks and doing so beyond scheduled working hours. Now, engage in strenuous labor (by which I mean perform a guitar solo).
If only it were as easy as casting a fishing line into a lake, then anybody could become a professional musician. If you feel you're capable of producing tones that are either blaring or dulcet, purchase a used six-string and it's very likely that you will succeed — that is, if you find a special chemistry with some other players. Non-musicians may observe you sunbathing. Just inform them that you prefer this way of life: it's a good way to avoid true labor. We work for ourselves and relish the fact that we are constantly idle.
Woo. All right. Ow. I love it. Completing my tasks in exemplary fashion when I'm not at home, on a daily basis. Woo. Ha. Oh yes.
Completing my tasks. Woo! Completing my tasks. Completing my tasks, assist me. Completing my tasks. Completing my tasks on a daily basis. Completing my tasks, in every sense of the expression. Completing my tasks, I have full ownership of the means of production. Completing my tasks beyond scheduled working hours. Woo!